Monday, August 24, 2015

SEO Keywords tips For Free

As a blogger, one of the biggest hurdles you will face in your blogging journey is: “What should I write about?“ Writing articles take time, and there are opportunity costs involved.

If you write an article that no one wants to read about, your investment of time and energy does not give any returns.

Blogging is a business.

Your readers are your customers. Your content is your product that you sell. As with any business, you can sell only what your customers want.

So how do you find out what your customers (readers) want to read about? There are several methods, but today in this article I will reveal a method that I have been exploiting for quite some time.

The method is so powerful that every time I mine a keyword and write an article on that topic, it always ranks well in the search and attracts a good volume of organic traffic. Once you read this entire article, you will understand how it works.

The only requirement here is, your blog needs to be submitted at Google search console ( Previously Google Webmaster tool). I assume you have already done it & if not, here is a guide to do that.

I have explained the articles in 3 section that will make it easier for a complete newbie to get started with it.

Search Analytics: Unexplored Feature of Search console

If you are a blogger or a webmaster, I am sure you have a Google search console account. But have you checked the Search Analytics (beta) feature inside your search console dashboard?

Search analytics will show you details about keywords, clicks, impressions and average position of your site for a particular keyword in the Google search results.

It will show you the keywords that triggered an impression of your site’s result, even if no one clicked on it. Click on ‘Search Analytics’ under the ‘Search Traffic’ tab.

You will get options for selecting clicks, impressions and CTR. Just select Impressions and CTR. You can leave the others unchecked.

Click on Download at the bottom of the page. Save it to Google Docs.

We are exporting this data to do some analysis that will result in new keyword discovery. It is not possible to do the keyword analysis within the webmaster tools dashboard, and you need to export the data to Google sheets.

Now, open the sheet & sort the entire data by impressions and remove around 50%-70% of the keywords that have very low impression count.

We do this because we do not want to deal with low sampling size. There will be a lot of keywords with one impression and one click, and it will have 100% CTR. We don’t want to look at those keywords because such keywords are rare, and it will never be searched again. In my case, I removed all the rows which have keywords with less than 50 impressions.

Now sort the sheet again by highest-to-lowest CTR. Now we are getting a list of keywords which has a decent amount of impressions and a good CTR.

If you look at the keywords which have more than 50 impressions and a good CTR, it means that people are searching for that keyword and are also finding your result relevant and clicking on your website’s link.

Discovering New Keywords

Start looking at the top 100-200 keywords. You will find out that many keywords are highly related to the pages that you have already published, BUT you will also discover keywords in this report that is not directly related to the article topics on your website.

You will see keyword variations and some keywords that are not relevant to your pages, but people search for it and end up clicking on your website!

This happens because when someone searches for something Google will never show partial results (like 2-3 links alone). Google search will always try to fill up the entire page with relevant results, even if the relevancy goes down drastically after the 1st or 2nd result.

So if someone searches for a certain keyword and if there is no relevant result for it, Google would have shown your page even if the relevancy is very, very low.

If you have mentioned about a certain keyword inside your article (even if that whole article is not about that keyword), that link may end up getting clicked. This means that if you can write a separate article targeted for that keyword, there is a LOT of chances that it will rank very well, people will be searching for it and they will click on it. You can follow this guide to learn to write a keyword optimized blog post.

An Example – Adding More Perspective

When I was looking over my report, I saw this keyword showing up on my report: “importance of digital India”. I have never written an article about that. But one of my website’s link has got 162 impressions and 11 clicks in the past one month alone. It also has got a pretty good CTR of 6.8%!

That’s surprising because I never wrote an article about ‘Importance of Digital India’ or ‘Impact of Digital India in Digital Marketing.’

This report will not show you which link on your website was shown or clicked on. But you can find it out manually in most of the cases.

I searched for this keyword in Google, and I noticed that this article is showing up for that keyword. The article is getting triggered on Google search because the keywords digital and India are included in my article.

Now I know that this keyword is searched for well, and also there are not enough relevant pages in Google’s Index. That’s why my page is showing up even if there is a very low relevancy. This means a great opportunity for me.

I can write a detailed article about “importance of digital India” and there is an excellent chance that I will rank very well in the search results for this keyword without much effort.


Keyword discovery is an integral part of digital marketing strategy for businesses. Keywords give us an idea about what our customers want and the words they use to find out solutions to their problems. Keyword discovery does not stop with this method.

You will discover new keywords even when doing activities like talking to your customers. Keywords are important not just in SEO and SEM but also in copywriting.

You have to use the words that your customers use; else you will not be able to make the connection with them. I will be writing more articles on how to reach customers online, so stay tuned!

And if you have any questions, please leave a comment below. If you like this free keyword discovery trick & know a friend who can use it, do share with him. Here are few more guides on Keyword research & discovery that might interest you:

Greatest Blogger tips

A quick Yes/no test to find out if you are or can become the greatest blogger in the face of the earth.

Bonus Tip: Take a moment before answering Yes/No to any of the questions & read every question carefully to understanding underlying meaning.

Blogger’s Quiz – Level I

Have you stopped using too many advertisements?

Have you stopped saying Yes to all paid review offers you get?

Have you stopped rehashing other news & started writing your opinions?

Do you understand that you are not journalist & you have your unique style?

Have you stopped using free or paid template, & designed one of your own?

Before you write a post, do you ask: Is it really valuable for anyone else but you?

Have you written a post & never published it because it was mediocre?

Have you stopped checking how many likes you get on your Facebook updates?

Do you understand that it’s important to reply to all comments, but all comments don’t deserve a reply?

Do you realize that everything you read is written by someone like you [Human]?

Do you agree: when you criticize a website, you are criticizing a living human?

Do You often end up burning the midnight oil?

Have you seen people copying your content/idea & you felt more happy than sad?

Have you started refueling your creative side?

“Blogging requires creativity“: Do you agree with this quote?

Blogging is creativity

Do you realize that your writing is affected by the environment around you?

Have you written an idea on a notepad because you thought it’s brilliant?

Have you stopped complaining about every little thing?
blogging tips, about blogging

Have you started making tough decisions in time?

Do you accept your mistakes even if that hurts?

Have you stopped blaming your parents for your failures?

Have you stopped feeling jealous & started seeing the creative side of others?

Have you stopped publishing daily?

Have you started hiring people who complement skills that you don’t have?

Have you started dressing up appropriately when going to events?

Do you still feel good when you get free goodies from a company?

Have you started noticing the pattern in everything?

Have you stopped selling your soul for quick money?

Have you started deleting emails without reading them?

Do you still write your articles?

Do you give credit to those who deserves?

Blogger’s Quiz – Level II

Do you agree with this quote: “One bad apple spoils the bunch”?

One bad apple spoils the bunch

Have you stopped watching Television?

Are you out of all toxic relationships?

Do you still speak to yourself in your head?

Have you stopped doing the same thing every day?

Have you started building your personal brand?

Do you believe you are a writer, marketer, thinker & yet just a Blogger?

Have you started listening more & speaking less?

If your answer is yes to all of the above, you are moving in the right direction. If your answer is no, ask yourself why it’s no & is it important to make a change?

Note: One of a blogger friend suggested me to use the Title “Can you become the finest blogger” instead of “greatest blogger”& I reasoned out by saying:

ABOUT of 'Life Insurance'

ABOUT of 'Life Insurance'
A protection against the loss of income that would result if the insured passed away. The named beneficiary receives the proceeds and is thereby safeguarded from the financial impact of the death of the insured.

The goal of life insurance is to provide a measure of financial security for your family after you die. So, before purchasing a life insurance policy, you should consider your financial situation and the standard of living you want to maintain for your dependents or survivors. For example, who will be responsible for your funeral costs and final medical bills? Would your family have to relocate? Will there be adequate funds for future or ongoing expenses such as daycare, mortgage payments and college? It is prudent to re-evaluate your life insurance policies annually or when you experience a major life event like marriage, divorce, the birth or adoption of a child, or purchase of a major item such as a house or business.

Refine Your Financial Vocabulary
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Monday, August 17, 2015

16 killer seo tips and tricks

Search Engine Optimization is a very hot topic on the World Wide Web. After all, everybody wants to rank higher and come up on the first page of Google search and get more traffic.

Sometimes it is easy to get carried away with SEO though. In my opinion, the best technique is to keep it simple and apply a bit of common sense.

Most SEO plugins will take care of the common architecture related stuff for you. So in this article I will only focus on techniques that you need to do yourself.

I have identified and made a list of top 15 SEO practices that I tend to forget quite often. These simple SEO techniques, if practiced properly, can make a significant difference as to how my pages are ranked in the Search Engine Queries.

  1. Use proper anchor text for inter-links. Don’t use “here”, “there” etc for the anchor text (if you can avoid it).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  2. Optimize the images, always create alt tags and write description in the alt tag.                                                                                                                                                                                        
  3. Use search engine friendly permalinks. Try not to have too many ‘&’, ‘?’, ‘!’ etc characters in the URL. Sometimes it is unavoidable but try to keep it to a minimum.                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  4. Use hyphens (-) between words to improve readability.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  5. Do not use underscores (_) in URLs, use hyphens (-) instead.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  6. Do not use session id in URLs. If you are using good hosting then you shouldn’t have to worry about this one.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  7. Use internal linking when possible and appropriate.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
  8. Use sticky posts (if you can).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  9. Use tag clouds (if it applies).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  10. Have a category description paragraph.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  11. Let the visitors subscribe to category specific RSS feed. (Use category specific RSS plugin for WordPress)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  12. Use rel=”nofollow” tag on low value links to not pass the page rank juice. For example “Read the rest of the entry”, “About”, “Contact” etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  13. Use sub-directories rather than sub-domains when possible. Sub-domains do not share link love from the main domain as it is treated as a different domain.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  14. Research the target audience and aim the site content appropriately.                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  15. Keep the content up to date. Visitors don’t like outdated content. Updating the content frequently also attracts the Search engines spiders to index the web pages frequently.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  16. Going forward I will try to use this list to optimize my web pages.

20 secrets tricks for Excel Expert

After Microsoft developed Excel to the 2010 version, it offered more surprises than ever. In order to deal with tons of big data, you can’t ignore the important role Excel plays in daily work. However, both for beginners and advanced users, there are still many useful tips and tricks that are inevitably overlooked. Here are 20 useful Excel spreadsheet secrets you may not know. Please note that all these functions are based on Microsoft Excel 2010.

1. One Click to Select All
You might know how to select all by using the Ctrl + A shortcut, but few know that with only one click of the corner button, as shown in the screenshot below, all data will be selected in seconds.

One Click to Select All

2. Open Excel Files in Bulk
Rather than open files one by one when you have multiple files you need to handle, there is a handy way to open them all with one click. Select the files you would like to open then press the Enter key on the keyboard, all files will open simultaneously.

Open Excel Files in Bulk

3. Shift Between Different Excel Files
When you have different spreadsheets open, it’s really annoying shifting between different files because sometimes working on the wrong sheet can ruin the whole project. Using Ctrl + Tab you can shift between different files freely. This function is also applicable to other files like different Windows tabs in Firefox when opened using Windows 7.

Shift Different Excel Files

4. Create a New Shortcut Menu
Generally there are three shortcuts in the top menu, which are Save, Undo Typing and Repeat Typing. However, if you want to use more shortcuts, like Copy and Cut, you can set them up as follows:

File->Options->Quick Access Toolbar, add Cut and Copy from the left column to the right, save it. You will see two more shortcuts added in the top menu.

Create New Shortcut Menu

5. Add a Diagonal Line to a Cell
When creating a classmate address list, for example, you may need a diagonal link in the first cell to separate different attributes of rows and columns. How to make it? Everyone knows that Home->Font-> Borders can change different borders for a cell, and even add different colors. However, if you click More Borders, you will get more surprises, like a diagonal line. Click it and save—you can now make it immediately.

Add Diagonal Line for a Cell

6. Add More Than One New Row or Column
You may know the way to add one new row or column, but it really wastes a lot of time if you need to insert more than one of these by repeating this action X number of times. The best way is to drag and select X rows or columns (X is two or more) if you want to add X rows or columns above or left. Right click the highlighted rows or columns and choose Insert from the drop down menu. New rows will be inserted above the row or to the left of the column you first selected.

Add More Than One New Row/Column

7. Speedily Move and Copy Data in Cells
If you want to move one column of data in a spreadsheet, the fast way is to choose it and move the pointer to the border, after it turns to a crossed arrow icon, drag to move the column freely. What if you want to copy the data? You can press the Ctrl button before you drag to move; the new column will copy all the selected data.

Speedy Move and Copy Data in Cells

8. Speedily Delete Blank Cells
Some default data will be blank, for various reasons. If you need to delete these to maintain accuracy, especially when calculating the average value, the speedy way is to filter out all blank cells and delete them with one click. Choose the column you want to filter, go to Data->Filter, after the downward button shows, undo Select All and then pick up the last option, Blanks. All blank cells will show immediately. Go back to Home and click Delete directly, all of them will be removed.

Speedy Delete Blank Cells

9. Vague Search with Wild Card
You may know how to activate the speedy search by using the shortcut Ctrl + F, but there are two main wild cards—Question Mark and Asterisk—used in Excel spreadsheets to activate a vague search. This is used when you are not sure about the target result. Question Mark stands for one character and Asterisk represents one or more characters. What if you need to search Question Mark and Asterisk as a target result? Don’t forget add a Wave Line in front.

Vague Search with Wild-card

10. Generate a Unique Value in a Column
You are aware of the key function of Filter, but few people use the Advanced Filter, which will be repeatedly applied when you need to filter a unique value from data in a column. Click to choose the column and go to Data->Advanced. A pop-up window will show up. As the screenshot shows, click Copy to another location, which should be in accord with the second red rectangular area. Then specify the target location by typing the value or clicking the area-choosing button. In this example, the unique age can be generated from Column C and show in Column E. Don’t forget to choose Unique records only, then click OK. The unique value showing in column E can be the contrast of the original data in C, that’s the reason why it is recommended to copy to another location.

Generate Unique Value in Column

11. Input Restriction with Data Validation Function
In order to retain the validity of data, sometimes you need to restrict the input value and offer some tips for further steps. For example, age in this sheet should be whole numbers and all people participating in this survey should be between 18 and 60 years old. To ensure that data outside of this age range isn’t entered, go to Data->Data Validation->Setting, input the conditions and shift to Input Message to give prompts like, “Please input your age with whole number, which should range from 18 to 60.” Users will get this prompt when hanging the pointer in this area and get a warning message if the inputted information is unqualified.

Input Restriction with Data Validation Function

12. Fast Navigation with Ctrl + Arrow Button
When you click Ctrl + any arrow button on the keyboard, you can jump to the edge of the sheet in different directions. If you want to jump to the bottom line of the data, just try to click Ctrl + downward button.

Fast Navigation with Ctrl + Arrow Button

13. Transpose Data from a Row to a Column
You would use this feature if you want to transpose data to get a better display; however, retyping all data would be the last thing you would need to do if you know how to use the Transpose function in Paste. Here’s how: copy the area you want to transpose, move the pointer to another blank location. Go to Home->Paste->Transpose, please note that this function won’t activate until you copy the data first.

Transpose Data from Row to Column

14. Hide Data Thoroughly
Almost all users know how to hide data by right clicking to select the Hide function, but this can be easily noticed if there is only a little bit of data. The best and easiest way to hide data thoroughly is to use the Format Cells function. Choose the area and go to Home->Font->Open Format Cells->Number Tab->Custom->Type ;;; -> Click OK, then all the values in the area will be invisible, and can only be found in the preview area next to the Function button.

Hide Data Thoroughly

15. Compose Text with &
Complicated formulation is unnecessary, as long as you know how to use &. You can compose any text freely with this symbol. Below I have four columns with different texts, but what if I want to compose them to one value in one cell? First, locate the cell that is to show the composed result, use the formulation with & as shown in the screenshot below. Click Enter: all texts in A2, B2, C2 and D2 will be composed together to become LizaUSA25@ in F2.

Compose Text with &

16. Transforming the Case of Text
With all the tricks shared here, I’ve tried my best to avoid complicated formulation. But there are still some simple and easy to use formulations to show you, like UPPER, LOWER and PROPER, which can transform texts for different purposes. UPPER will capitalize all characters, LOWER can change text to all lower case and PROPER will only capitalize the first character of a word.

Text Transform

17. Input Values Starting with 0
When an input value starts with zero, Excel will delete the zero by default. Rather than reset the Format Cells, this problem can be easily solved by adding a single quote mark ahead of the first zero, as shown.

Input Value Starts with 0

18. Speed up Inputting Complicated Terms with AutoCorrect
If you need to repeat the same value and it is complicated to input, the best way is to use the AutoCorrect function, which will replace your text with the correct text. Take my name, Liza Brown, for example, which can be replaced by LZ. Therefore, every time I input LZ, it can autocorrect to Liza Brown. Go to File->Options->Proofing->AutoCorrect Options and input Replace text with correct text in the red rectangular area, as below.

Speed up Inputting Complicate Terms with AutoCorrect

19. One Click to Get More Status
Most users know how to check the data status in the bottom of an Excel sheet, like Average and Sum Value. However, do you know you can move the pointer to the bottom tab and right click to get more status, as shown below?

One Click to Get More Status

20. Rename a Sheet Using Double Click
There are multiple ways to rename sheets, and most users will right click to choose Rename, which actually wastes a lot of time. The best way is to just click twice, then you can rename it directly.

Rename Sheet by Double Click

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